In 2024, we've made incredible strides in expanding access to clean water across Kenya: 7 water wells drilled, now providing clean water to over 5,000 people. We've provided oversight and consultation for several existing wells drilled by other companies. Our team has managed the repair and upkeep of multiple wells we've drilled over the past decade. We've visited old well sites and explored potential locations for new projects. We were honored to participate in a water well dedication service. This year, we hosted 7 teams from the USA, welcoming over 60 visitors into our home. As always, we give God the glory for all these achievements!
Day 3 drilling at Free Pentecostal Fellowship Church in Wange Dongo, Kenya. This well was sponsored by Factory Ministries in the USA . Expecting water at 665 ft , we have drilled about 330 ft so far. Everyone is excited about the idea of having a water well in this community. No more going to the river to collect muddy water.
We walked to the river today where this community has been gathering water and once again we were reminded of why we do what we do. This beautiful young lady was gathering water from a dirty water hole. She had to carry this 40 lb bucket of water back to her home which was about a mile up hill. But very soon she will be able to gather clean water from a water well. Her family will benefit in so many ways. There are so many waterborne diseases that will no longer be an issue after this well is finished. For her family this is a blessing and many other families in this area also.
It’s because of you our faithful partners that water wells like this one can be drilled in Kenya. Thank you for believing in our vision. We are making a difference and we are an answer to prayer for so many.

This project was sponsored by Jason Roach from Baldwin County Alabama.
We were happy to get to provide water for Remphuris Home of Grace, a childrens home for 45 orphans. (Remphuris is a Masai name for God is with Us)
What a beautiful site to see – everyone gathering for water.
These 45 precious boys and girls will no longer have to worry about clean water. Their lives are changed forever.
This water well will impact this community and be a light in darkness.

This well project was in the Kitengela area where we drilled for Paranay IPHC.
This well project was sponsored by one of our IPHC pastors from USA, Pastor James Paul Chapman and his wife Cecilia Chapman.
This community was in need of clean water.
At this project Pastor Paul came with a team from the USA that did some painting for the church. We also did a big childrens outreach where we fed over 100 children that day.

This project has been one the hardest projects ever. This area is very dry and needs water desperately. In 2019 we drilled here and we had our first dry well. In 2021 we are drilling again.
Here is an excerpt from our journals:
Spiritual warfare for everyone is different, for us right now it’s finishing this well and getting clean water in this village. This well has been the hardest well we have ever drilled. Going on day 14- we have water but having one major issue after another….. today a rotation motor stopped working while we are trying to put casing in the ground .
One of the mums in the area even asked the question “Why is this ground refusing to produce water for us? What have we done? Why would God not want us to have water?” Another says “ This ground is cursed and many are saying we will not get water.”
We need you our partners to pray . Everyone deserves clean water. Pray for curses to be broken and blessings to overflow!
Greater Is He that is within us than he that is in this world !
As we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Christ we praise Him that water will come forth! – Mike
Yesterday was a long, hard day for us all. The drilling crew worked all night the night before ,and the entire day to get the drilling bit free, but for me it was a hard day in another way. It had been a hard week also on many levels . The deeper we drill for water it seems the harder the spiritual battle,I am not complaining it is just the truth.
I have been in Nairobi doing some behind the scenes work and ministry while the crew has been drilling. I have been waiting patiently to join the drilling crew . Yesterday was my second attempt to go. The drilling site is about 6 hours from Nairobi. The first time Mike returned to Nairobi to get some repairs done so the night before he told me not to come.
But yesterday was the day. I was really excited about bringing some supplies, & sweets for the children and we had planned to do sidewalk Sunday School in the village. We left Nairobi around 7:30 am and started our journey. Our expectations was to arrive in Kisime around 1:00 pm. We were about 30 minutes out from arriving at the drilling site when the President of Kenya made a speech calling for a lockdown in 5 counties because of Cov19. Unfortunately Nairobi county is one of those counties and the county we were entering for the drilling site was not. Basically we had to midnight last night to get back to Nairobi. So we had to have Mike meet us and take the supplies and we drove back to Nairobi. Traffic was horrible and we arrived back in Nairobi around 11:30 pm. So many emotions – so tired. Mike and the crew had to stay and we are just hoping because of the nature of what they are doing they can travel home when the well is finished . But as of right now we are in a two week lockdown , no coming and going outside of those five counties the President mentioned. There were several reasons I couldn’t stay there but one is our son Jospeh is flying into Nairobi this week so I had to be here. Praying and believing Mike can come back and cross the borders of the counties.
I said all this to say : this morning Moses Braviton sent me these photos. He took the crayons and kids ministry supplies and he is doing ministry with the kids. These photos blessed me and reminded me once again why we do what we do- the water is going to change generations and the love of Jesus changes their lives forever. The hard times are worth seeing these little ones lives changed.
Moses said these little ones are sitting near Mike’s tent… I can’t be there so thankful for Moses and his heart for ministry.
Continue praying for this community and the drilling crew and Kenya that Cov19 would be defeated . – Tammy
We praise God that we were finally able to get the bit free. This well is 840ft deep.

This well is for the Maasai people, one of the 42 tribes in Kenya, and was drilled in December 2021 for Esarunoto IPHC.
They fill the water tank four times a day just for the people to drink. That’s 5000 gallons a day just for the people! There is no way to explain what this well is doing to help these awesome people.
Roughly 10,000 gallons a day is making life better for the Maasai people. God is good!
Everyone that stood watching the water flow out of the well was praising God for this provision.
Many people in the area told the church that the well would never be drilled and that there was no water in this ground. We challenged the church to invite all those who said it would not happen to come see the well and bless them with free water.
This well is producing twice the amount of water than was predicted by the geologist when we did the hydrological survey.

This water well was drilled in April 2019. Several IPHC churches worked together to raise the funds to complete this well project. This water well is 511 feet deep and is providing water for the school and surrounding community. This well project is complete with a solar pump and water tank. The well has become a place to receive the physical water and the living water. There are testimonies of people traveling over 4 miles one way to gather clean water. Because of this well the church is seeing salvations and growth. One testimony we received is about a Muslim woman and her family who came to gather water, while there they asked for prayer.
During the week of the water well drilling we were blessed to have two missions groups from the USA join us. Beckley Praise Church came and did some construction work on the property of the church and Carolyn Byrd and her team came and did Free Camp for the children in the area. There was around 300 kids that came everyday for the Free Camp. We are thankful for everyone that prayed and gave toward this project. Many lives were touched because of your faithfulness. This community will never be the same and for generations to come testimonies will be heard.

We completed drilling the water well for the Community School in Narok County. This well was 744 feet deep. This project is not complete however because we still need a hand pump or solar pump for this project. We need $12,000.00 to finish this project.
This area desperately needs this clean water. We are thankful for Pam Mayo who worked diligently to raise money to drill the well. We now need funds to complete the project. If you would like to give to this project please give to the Narok County Community School Water For Nations Project thru the online giving at New Life Church.

Every time we travel in Kenya to drill a well we have to travel sometimes up to 6 hours or more. When our drilling truck leaves our driveway and hits the road it is followed by a support truck that carries our equipment. We carry with us to every drilling site, extra tools, extra drilling rods, casing and up to 10 tons of gravel. The truck also serves to collect water we need for drilling. We could not drill the water wells with out this support truck. For the past five years that we have been on the field we have had to rent a support truck. When we rent we usually spend $1,000.00 on average per well site. We are in desperate need to have our own support truck. The truck we need is going to cost $45,000.00. We need your help to purchase this truck.
If you would like to give toward purchasing the support truck there are two ways you may give.
You may give to IPHC in our project account #11420p or NewLife.